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Food Packaging Trends 2017! That Will Surely Help Your Product Stand Out


Casing and wrapping of products has been done for ages now to protect the product from dirt, germs, make it more attractive for customers, easy transportation, and give information about the product, composition information and lot more. Packaging has taken a shape of industry in the last two decades.


Packaging Companies in UAE


In a country like UAE which thrives on the manufactured firms! covering, wrapping and casing them properly is the need of the time. New and more technological trends are being seen in the country in this field.


Latest trends:-


Few of these trends are below


Personalized wrapping:-


Personalization is a tool used by some leading brands to draw the customer’s attention towards their product. It also differentiated their product from competing brands. This innovation was first used by a beverage brand who printed the names of people on their bottles. This tactic of printing people’s names gives a feeling of friendly ownership. Packaging companies in UAE are also coming with ideas like to pull the public.


Similarly a chips manufacturing brand comes up with a lot flavors associated with cities and countries. This also gives people a sense of ownership and personalization hence increasing the sales of the product tremendously.


Easily open able wrapping:-


These kinds of wrapping are more common amongst those people who are always on the go. On the go people don’t have much time to remove large and difficult wrappings. One major example of this is a famous brands squash pouch. This pouch is designed in a way to dispense the squash into glasses or bottles conveniently on the go.


Conveniently open able covering is also featured in jars, tubes, flat bottom bags and many other products.


Differentiation factor:-


All brands want their products to stand out amongst others on the shelf of a store. In order to accomplish this purpose they extract and apply new ideas to enhance the presentation factor. Advertising the product in a unique and user friendly way is definitely going to engage the customers and bear fruitful results. One of the major factors is the attractive and different outlook of the product.


There are a lot of examples of brands who are reaping the fruits of different and unique outer covering. Famous examples are the beer, cigarette and chocolate brands who achieve success by achieving pack differentiation to make their product look more striking and colorful when placed on the store shelf.


Sustaining traditional ways:-


A lot of brands may not use all these techniques but still can lead the market. They make their prominence felt by simply saying it how it is. This sustainability of traditional designs doesn’t mean there isn’t any thought process behind the product wrapping. Rather they are sticking to vintage designing to get a traditional and trustworthy approach. Through these vintage designs, brands are fulfilling the demands of honesty through communication, simplicity and advertise to the customers their clear and simple intentions.


Major example of it is a well-known ketchup brand which says “bursting full of tomatoes” a clear cut and simple message which states their purpose of consumption.


All the packaging companies in UAE are coming up with new and innovative ideas like flexible wrapping, using labels of peoples favorite sports personalities and lot more to increase the sales and advertise the product better.

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