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Benefits of Food Packaging


Food packaging play an important role in maintaining the benefits of food even after the process (manufacturing) is complete. It also helps keep the food safe when distributing to end users and the food remain healthy at the time of consumption as well. It also protects food from external influencing agents and damage, and helps provide nutritional ingredients information to consumers.


Food Packaging Companies in Dubai


Packaging makes the food availability in a cost effective way for satisfying requirements and desires of end user and maintain the safety and quality of food. Following are the benefits of packaging.


Food Protection:


Food packaging cause delay in food deterioration, maintain the effects of processing the food during manufacturing, maintain the quality of food and extend the shelf-life. Packaged food is having the minimal level of environmental impact. Because the packing materials are resistive in nature to environmental influencers.


Food packaging companies in Dubai suggest that packing protects the food from three types of environmental influences. These are: Chemical, Biological and Physical.


Food Protection


Chemical protection of food minimizes the compositional changes triggered by environmental influences such as exposure to moisture, gases and light. Packing material provide chemical barriers to food. Glass and metal provide absolute barriers to chemical and environmental agents.


Biological protection prevents diseases and spoilage by providing barrier to microorganisms like insects, rodents and other animals. Biological barrier prevent odour transmission and maintain the internal environment of the food to reduce the chances of ripening.


Food protection protects the food from mechanical damage from shocks and vibration at the time of distribution. Typically developed from paperboard and corrugated materials to protect abrasion and crushing damage.


Food Waste Reduction:


Food packing reduces the total waste of food by extending the shelf-life and prolonging its usability. Thus food packing is having positive benefits of reducing food waste throughout the supply chain.


Information and Marketing:


The labels that are pasted on the packing materials of food expose the product to consumers experience prior to purchase. Distinctive and innovative packing boost sales in case of a competitive environment because the packing might designed in such a way that differentiate the product from that of the competitive ones. Packing material also satisfies legal requirements for product identification, ingredient declaration, nutritional value details, net weight and manufacturer information. Brand identification, pricing details and cooking instructions are also one of the basic advantages of packing.






The ability of following the movement of food through a specified stage of production, distribution and during the processing is known as traceability. Supply management, facilitating trace-back for food safety and maintaining quality are the advantages of traceability.




Packing minimizes the efforts necessary to prepare and serve food. Oven-safe trays, boil-in bags, and microwavable packaging enable consumers to cook an entire meal with virtually no preparation.


Tamper Indication:


Tempering and adulteration are highly reduced due to the special packaging materials. All packing materials can be breeched but the temper-evident features cannot be replaced. Banding, special membranes, special printing and breakaway closures are temper-evident features.


Food packaging companies in Dubai have introduced holograms on packing materials delivering currently. These holograms are used for temper-evident that cannot be duplicated easily.

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