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6 Reasons Why Business Cards Are Still Important In The Corporate World

People might argue about the dying importance of business card in today’s world where everything is digital, even networking. Most people feel business cards still say more at first glance, than any other visual aspect of a company.


Gone are the days when business cards were just plain pieces of cardboard, with logos, and information about a particular organization or person. Today business cards have evolved!


From varnish coatings to foil laminations, from emboss printing to spot UV business card, business cards have become a story, a precis of the organization they represent.




Branding companies all over the world are concentrating their efforts to produce a kind business cards that catch the attention of the receiver and represent the organization best.


Companies performing business card printing in Dubai have included gold and silver foil business cards that are not only unique but also luxurious, a true depiction of most of the organizations in the UAE. 


Here are a few reasons you still need business cards in the corporate world:


Brand face


Business cards are the face of your business. They tend to introduce you to the people you interact with. An effective business card is not only a representation of your business, but it also sells your values to the people who see it.

Aesthetically pleasing or cards that stand out always bring out positive emotions among receivers and the possibilities of them turning into buyers are always high.


Create awareness


Branding goes a long way in creating awareness about your business among the audience, and it includes visual aids like leaflets, business cards and websites.  With powerful and outstanding designs these visual aids can create awareness about your brand.


Facilitate networking


According to a Forbes insight research, 85% of the respondents preferred interaction and meeting which happened “Face to Face”. Not only do these types of interaction build a stronger professional network but they also provide an opportunity to meet like-minded people with similar skills and goals.


“Here’s my business card!” is the most common line you’ve probably ever heard at business conventions or dinners. Business cards seem to be the most important networking tools at face to face meetings.


Also, an indication if people are really interested in getting to know about your work, business cards tend to bridge the communication gap between current and future meetings by providing them details on how to get in touch with you  in the future!


Promote human interaction


As the digital world takes over communication, making it easier, effortless but at the same time impersonal, business cards provide the opportunity for business owners to engage in small talk and interact on a personal note with the potential buyers and fellow business owners.


When you hand over your business card to another party, it gives them the opportunity to read through, and it allows them to ask any questions that they might have. At the same time, you have the chance to talk more about your business which would be impossible in case of communication over email or phone!


Legitimize your business


The first thing people turn to when they read about any products that you’re offering that they may be interested in , is to  try to verify your business.


Business cards are an ideal way for them to figure out important things such as your business name, what you do, where you’re located and how they can contact you in case they are interested. In addition, professionally designed cards tend to attract the attention of potential buyers and they do feel like they should ask for more information.


Reach out to a wider audience


Even though it’s a world of smartphones, many people still do not own them due to numerous reasons. Whatever the reason might be, you need to make sure you can reach out to a greater number of people in a more conventional way.


Not only do they appreciate your conventional work ethics but they will surely go on to recommend you to people who might need your services.




Business cards need to be attractive! Attractive business card do two things, 1) they create interest in your business and 2) they increase the chance of referrals as more and more people like to share what they’ve seen.


Numerous companies like Print MENA performing business card printing in Dubai have realized the importance of unique business cards. They have expanded their services to include all sorts of designs to suit the needs of various businesses! Contact the company NOW to get your design printed.

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